Sunday, July 10, 2011

Shining (NOR) - Blackjazz

(02 Aug. 2010)

I will admit that, so far, this is Shining's only release I've heard, but holy crap, is it excellent. There aren't all that many albums that I give so many listens that I know all the songs by heart, and this happens to be one of such albums.

It's unlike any album I've heard yet, every song being unique in its own way. Usually a good production would mean that you can everything and that the music is relatively clear. On the other hand, here the production is used as an extra instrument, since it provides the perfect mood. The music is technical, chaotic, with screeching synths and guitars and manages to remain catchy all the time.

The Madness And The Damage Done -
The first of the two singles for Blackjazz. Maybe not the best song to begin an album with, but very intense, with excellent riffing, and a mindblowing interlude, which is at the same time heavy and atmospheric. 10/10

Fisheye -
The second single, filled with hooks, yet in a subtle way. The lyrics are basically one repeated verse with a few variations. This would have been boring were the vocal performance not perfect. Also, saxophone solo. 10/10

Exit Sun -
A slower track, with some interesting vocal work. Basically what you get if you mixed Nine Inch Nails with Meshuggah and Muse. Sometimes gets boring, but still an excellent song nevertheless. 9/10

Exit Sun -
Just an fade out ending to the previous track, with more noise and layers. There doesn't seem to be much point to it, but it's fun. 9/10

Possibly one of the best instrumental songs ever recorded. The best instrumental metal song with a saxophone doing lead ever recorded. Ever. 10/10

The Madness And The Damage Done -
A very unsettling ambient track at the beginning, ending with the main riff of the first track. The beginning of the song has a very urgent mood, despite being relatively slow. A very nice touch is the way the strings are constantly changing tempo, adding to the atmosphere. Strangely, though, it might even be better than the full version of The Madness And The Damage Done. 10/10

Blackjazz Deathtrance -
A monolith of a song, with a lot of atmosphere. Best defined by the word "Epic". By far, the best song on the album, and possibly one of the best songs of all time. 15/10

Omen -
A very good song. Sadly, similar to Blackjazz Deathtrance in terms of proportions and the emphasis on atmosphere, leaving it overshadowed by the previous song. 9/10

21st Century Schizoid Man -
Excellent cover of the King Crimson song, but maybe a little out of place. 9,5/10

This album was released in January of this year, and it will be an enormous feat for anyone to take Blackjazz off the throne as best album of the year.

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