Monday, July 11, 2011

The Black Eyed Peas - The Time (The Dirty Bit)

(19 Feb 2011)

For this song alone, there should be a -3.5 rating. I wonder if the members of BEP suffered psychological trauma after having released this song, 'cause if they didn't, they very well should. Anyway, "The Time (Dirty Bit)" consists of two parts repeated over and over and joined by literally nothing. You start at one part, then there's what I guess is a crescendo, then you hear say "Dirty Bit", which is somehow supposed to connect the song so far with the next part, which is, by the way, something completely different in every single way. The lyrics are nothing to talk about either: just your predictable shit about partying until you need to be hospitalized for having had way too much of a good time. As for the music itself, it's irritating beyond belief on every level. Be it the excessive use of autotune, be it the mosquito impressionist riff during the verses, be it the awfully cheap-sounding everything else.

What's scary though is that I've heard talk of this being the best song on The Beginning, so I'm terrified of hearing the rest of it. As for the song itself, well, it makes the songs I've heard from The E.N.D. sound like pure genius in comparison, and I thought those were impossibly bad.

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