Sunday, July 10, 2011

Between the Buried and Me - Colors

(?? ??? 2010)

Imagine a house built entirely out of Lego. Now imagine Picasso would come along with a hammer. The end result shares many a similarity with Colors.

The first time I heard this album, there was a point when I had become convinced that time was flying and I had already finished listening to the last song and was listening to a hidden track. I was listening to minute 11:45 of "Ants Of The Sky". It had felt like I had listened to 70 minutes of material and had zoned out during most of it.

I have to say that I now deeply respect BTBAM for having been able to compose, memorize and play all of this, but do I like it? As a whole, these songs make as much sense as an oven with a built in ice dispenser. This album was written so that each song segues into the next, even though the songs have a complete lack of flow. The guys try to add some coherence to the thing by playing variations of some parts of other songs in the next (specially the last few minutes of Prequel To The Sequel), just like someone would sensibly and naively put a band-aid over a bullet to the chest.

Nevertheless, this album is loads of fun to listen to and is filled with excellent parts. If you like Dream Theater after Metropolis Pt:2, only wish that whole songs sounded like their instrumentals, only with less sense, this is for you. You'll love it. Otherwise, listen to this on a good day, with an open mind, and you'll like it a lot.

Standout tracks:

Informal Gluttony
White Walls

PS: lyrics are great

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