Sunday, July 10, 2011

Demilich - Nespithe

(15 Aug. 2010)

If you like Death Metal and still haven't listened to this album, do. Period. This is a truly unique album that, unlike usual death metal, is not about getting the listener pumped, but about having an hypnotic effect. For the most part of the album, the music will be at around mid-pace, which is just as good, since you'll want to listen to the riffs VERY CAREFULLY. They provide an atmosphere that needs to be heard to be understood: imagine Gorguts' Obscura, only if every instrument were at the same time in complete dissonance and perfect harmony.

This would have been, in my opinion, THE best death metal album of all time if it weren't for the fact that it's really hard to stay focused on the music for the entire length of the album, because everything else is perfect.

Standout tracks: All of them, honorable mention going to The Echo (Replacement), Erecshyrinol and Raped Embalmed Beauty Sleep.

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