Sunday, July 10, 2011

Gorguts - From Wisdom to Hate

(19 Sep 2010)

On my first listen of this album my opinion was "meh...". After the first minute or so of "Inverted", I had zoned out and was thinking of something else. This is mainly because the above mentioned "meh..." actually meant, "well, unlike Obscura, this is not a complete mindblower that grabs you by the balls, and, because of that, I'm bored, ergo, this album is inferior to the previous Gorguts album, and I don't really like it". For the first few times, listening to this album proved to be a bit of a chore, and I kept avoiding it.

After eventually forcing myself to listen to From Wisdom To Hate a few times, I started to understand the work of genius it really is. Once you start actually paying attention to the album, it will discreetly drill a hole through your skull and plant a bunch of explosives there, unlike the aforementioned Obscura, which merely punches you senseless. My point with this analogy is that, while Obscura's strength is its spontaniety, in this album, everything feels like it has been well thought out and a huge amount of work has been put into making the songs as they are. From Wisdom To Hate is much less immediate, but far more rewarding in the end.

One thing that really deserves praise on this album are the song structures, which manage to be at the same time very unpredictable and natural. The album is also filled to the top with memorable riffs throughout, and the abundant use of melody only makes them all that more noteworthy.

With From Wisdom To Hate, Gorguts have managed to evolve from a dead end, and did an album even more perfect in the process.

Standout tracks:
From Wisdom To Hate
The Quest Of Equillibrium
Elusive Treasures
Das Martyrium Des...
Testimonial Ruins

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