Sunday, July 10, 2011

The Faceless - Planetary Duality

(28 Jan 2011)

I should have reviewed this ages ago. Since I've known this release for about a year now, I guess it's a good time as any to review it. In short, picture their previous release: Akeldama. It had its moments, and those moments were brilliant, but if you take those away, the album was for the most part really generic. Well, with their sophomore, The Faceless stop being true to their name. They're definitely not faceless anymore. The evolution between the two albums is immense, and the guys show a much more mature approach to their music, giving them an actual sound that stands out.

I first listened to this when I was still introducing myself to Technical Death Metal and acquiring a taste for quirky Metal. Back then, I quite liked it because it was heavy, catchy and had a nice fluidity to it. Soon, I learned the songs and their nuances, and moved on. Now, more experient, I rediscover the album, and I realize the true extent of its greatness. This is one of those albums that have something for both the uninformed and the more knowledgeable in DM. It has the heaviness, technicality and the crisp production to attract the kiddies, but it also has some subtle, and very unique touches to it.

This album's overall sound is very unusual in that it has a very spacy feel to it, while at the same time being pretty much all heaviness and no atmosphere. Also, if you pay attention, the riffs have some very creative touches, and the way that the album flows is incredible. The first 5 songs are, in my opinion, some of the best in the genre.

I would like to end this review here and call this album perfect, but I can't do it. After "Xenochrist", this album becomes more experimental: samples and vocal styles changed everywhere, some synth lines, a very Meshuggah-like riff... It just feels like they spent the first half trying to prove that they have matured, that they are tasteful, that they are themselves, and then on the second half they simply said "fuck it" and tried to sound "unique" in the cheapest way possible. The later songs are still enjoyable, but are completely overshadowed by the brilliance shown earlier.

Standout tracks:

Prison Born
The Ancient Covenant
Coldly Calculated Design
Planetary Duality I: Hideous Revelation  (it's sort of a guilty pleasure)

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